Series: Photographs
Box |
Folder |
Description |
23 |
24 |
Photographs, (2), 2129 Adams St., Gary, 1937 |
25 |
Photographs, (2), 4519 Arthur St., Gary, 1950 |
26 |
Photographs, (1), 9032 Bunker Hill Dr., Gary, 1947? |
27 |
Photographs, (2), 1595 Burr St., Gary, 1947? |
28 |
Photographs, (2), 311 Cleveland St., Gary, 1940 |
29 |
Photographs, (2), 1723 Ellsworth, Gary, n.d. |
30 |
Photographs, (2), 1323 Garfield St., Gary, 1940 |
31 |
Photographs, (2), 328 Harrison St., Gary, 1948? |
32 |
Photographs, (2), 1729 Harrison St., Gary, 1946? |
33 |
Photographs, (2), 2633-39 Harrison St., Gary, n.d. |
34 |
Photographs, (1), 4200 Harrison St., Gary, 193? |
35 |
Negatives, (2), 312-16 Hayes St., Gary, n.d. |
23 |
36 |
Photographs, (7), 849-55 Jackson St., Gary 1940 |
37 |
Photographs, (1), 1713 Jackson St., Gary, 1937 |
38 |
Photographs, (2), 1821 Jefferson St., Gary, 1939 |
39 |
Photographs, (2), 2529 Jefferson St., Gary, 1941 |
40 |
Photographs, (3), 4193 Lincoln St., Gary, 1946 |
41 |
Photographs, (8), 3539 Madison St., Gary, ca. 1939 |
42 |
Photographs, (1), 3551 Madison St., Gary, |
43 |
Photographs, (2), 2425 Maryland St., Gary, 1941 |
44 |
Photographs, (2), 4325-31 Massachusetts, Gary, ca. 1939 |
45 |
Photographs, (1), 4646 Pennsylvania St., Gary, n.d. |
46 |
Photographs, (4), 1044 Polk St., Gary,1940 |
47 |
Photographs, (2), 2544 Polk St., Gary, n.d. |
23 |
48 |
Photograph, (1), 1700 Rutledge St., Gary, n.d. |
49 |
Photographs, (3), 1768 Rutledge St., Gary, n.d. |
50 |
Photographs, (4), 2562 Van Buren St., Gary, 1947? |
51 |
Photographs, (4), 2572 Van Buren St., Gary, 1947? |
52 |
Photographs, (4), 2578 Van Buren St., Gary, 1947? |
53 |
Photographs, (4), 2617 Van Buren St., Gary, n.d. |
54 |
Photographs, (4), 2620 Van Buren St., Gary, n.d. |
55 |
Photographs, (4), 2645 Van Buren St., Gary, 1947? |
56 |
Photographs, (2), 2649 Van Buren Pl., Gary, n.d. |
57 |
Photographs, (4), 2659 Van Buren St., Gary, n.d. |
58 |
Photographs, (2), 2681 Van Buren St., Gary, 1948 |
59 |
Photographs, (2), 4170-74 Van Buren St., Gary, 1949 |
23 |
60 |
Photograph, (1), 801 Vermilion St., Gary, 1955? |
61 |
Photographs, (3), 4831 Vermont Pl., Gary, 1948? |
62 |
Photographs, (4), 1449 Washington St., Gary, 1967 |
63 |
Photographs, (7), 1549 Washington St., Gary, 1942 |
64 |
Photographs, (3), 6433 E. 3rd Ave., Gary, 1938 |
65 |
Photographs, (2), 2564 W. 12th Ave., Gary, 1949 |
66 |
Photographs, (2), 2743 W. 12th Ave., Gary, 1949 |
67 |
Photographs, (2), 2749 W. 12th Ave., Gary, 1948 |
68 |
Photographs, (3), 2750 W. 13th Ave., Gary, 1938 |
69 |
Photographs, (4), 2900 W. 13th Ave., Gary, n.d. |
70 |
Photographs, (2), 2956 W. 13th Ave., Gary, ca. 1947 |
71 |
Photographs, (4), 1477 W. 18th Ave., Gary, 1937, 1940 |
23 |
72 |
Photographs, (8), 25th Ave. District, Gary, (1931-1943) |
73 |
Photographs, (2), 841 E. 35th Pl., Gary, ca. 1950 |
74 |
Negatives, (6), 866, 876, 882, 892, E. 36th Ave., Gary, ca. 1951 |
75 |
Photographs, (3), 866 E. 36th Ave., Gary, ca. 1951 |
76 |
Photographs, (1), 876 E. 36th Ave., Gary, ca. 1951 |
77 |
Photographs, (2), 882 E. 36th Ave., Gary, ca. 1951 |
78 |
Photographs, (2), 892 E. 36th Ave., Gary, ca. 1951 |
79 |
Photographs, (4), 840 E. 37th Ave., Gary, 1942 |
80 |
Photographs, (2), 1029-35 E. 37th Ave., Gary, n.d. |
81 |
Photographs, (1), 644-48 W. 45th Ave., Gary, n.d. |
82 |
Photographs, (2), 706-710 45th Ave., Gary, 1939 |
83 |
Photographs, (5), Views of Eastover Addition, 1937 |
23 |
84 |
Photographs, (7), Eastover Addn.?, n.d. |
85 |
Photographs, (11), Mack's 1st Addn. to Gary, 1941 |
86 |
Photographs, (2), South Gary Subdivision, 1941 |
87 |
Photographs, (3), 532 214th St., Dyer, 1955 |
88 |
Photographs, (2), 1425 215th St., Dyer, 1957? |
89 |
Photographs, (2), 2602-08 LaPorte St., East Gary, 1941 |
90 |
Photographs, (2), 1432 E. 28th Ave., East Gary, 1955-1957 |
91 |
Photographs, (2), 35th & Liverpool, East Gary, 1955-1957 |
92 |
Photographs, (1), 3714 Torrence Ave., Hammond, 1947 |
93 |
Photographs, (6), Mishawaka Hotel, Mishawaka, IN, 1953 |
94 |
Photographs, (1), 23rd and Maryland, Gary, n.d. |
95 |
Photographs, (10), Waverly Park Apts., Taney St., Gary, n.d. |
23 |
96 |
Photographs, (1), Housing at Virginia St., Gary, n.d |
97 |
Photographs, (4), Ironwood Apts., 21st & Georgia, Gary, n.d. |
98 |
Photographs, (7), DuSable Apts., 21st & Virginia Sts., Gary, 1953 |
99 |
Photographs, (2), Houses at 43rd & Delaware Sts., Gary, n.d. |
100 |
Photographs, (3), Apts., at 204-226 E. 45th Ave., Gary, n.d. |
101 |
Photographs, (2), Kelwood Apts., 45th & Pennsylvania Gary, n.d. |
102 |
Photographs, (4), Buena Vista Apts., 173rd, 174th & Columbia, Hammond, n.d. |
103 |
Photographs, (14), Housing, no i.d., n.d. |
104 |
Photographs, (1), Glueck Family Member (?), n.d. |
Series: Photographs
NOTE: The following photographs were added to the collection as a result of an Indiana Heritage Research Grant, 1989-1990.
Box |
Folder |
Description |
23a |
1 |
Photographs, (4), Ironwood Apts., 1951 |
2 |
Photographs, (2), Gary Chamber of Commerce, 1965 |
3 |
Photographs, (16), South Gary Subdivision, 1941? |
4 |
Photographs, (2), 700-04 W. 45th Ave., n.d. |
5 |
Photograph, (1), 311 Cleveland St., n.d. |
6 |
Photographs, (2), Lot at 2633-39 Harrison, Gary, n.d. |
7 |
Photograph, (1), Dzuibla House, 3424 Maryland St., Gary, n.d. |
8 |
Photographs, (3), Church Parsonage, n.d. |
Series: Oversize
Box 24 -- Mortgage Surveys with Photographs
- Photographs, (3), Aerial Shots, Gary, n.d.
- 3370-74 Connecticut St., Gary, 1927
- 3427 Connecticut St., Gary, 1928
- 849-55 Jackson St., Gary, 1927
- 1713 Jackson St., Gary, 1929
- 2529-31 Jefferson St., Gary, n.d.
- 4129 Louisiana St., Gary, 1928
- 5101-11 Maryland St., Gary, n.d.
- 3886 Massachusetts St., Gary, 1930
- 1744 Monroe St., Gary, 1929
- 2545-47 Monroe St., Gary, n.d.
- 1044-46 Polk St., Gary, 1928
- 1732-34 Polk St., Gary, 1928
- 2544 Polk St., Gary, 1928
- 3801-07 Tennessee St., Gary, 1926
- 1133-35 Tyler St., Gary, 1926
- 1516 Vermont St., Gary, 1928
- 128-34 Washington St., Gary, 1928
- 2315 Washington St., Gary, 1927
- 2544-46 Washington St., Gary, 1927
- 401-11 W. 8th Ave., Gary, 1929
- 2700-18 W. 10th Ave., Gary, 1926
- 517-19 W. 11th Ave., Gary, 1927
- 825-27 E. 19th Ave., Gary, 1927
- 2361-63 20th Place, 1928
- SW1, NE4, Sec. 6, Twp. 36N, R7W, Gary, (3), n.d.
- Indiana Ave. at 27th St., East Gary, 1927
- Walnut St., East Gary, 1927
- Sketches, (4), Home Designs, n.d.