61.00 Linear Feet
October 1994
Revised July 1999
Series: Specifications (arranged geographically)
Box |
File |
Description |
1 |
1 |
Chesterton Equipment and Furniture for Physical Education Building West Chesterton Township High School, 1959. |
2 |
Physical Education Building for West Chesterton Township High School, 1958 |
3 |
Lake County Mental Health Facility, Crown Point |
4 |
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Phelps Residence, 1964 Gary |
5 |
Portable Classroom Units. Vohr-2 and Ambridge- 3. 4 Units at Brunswick School, 6 Units at Ivanhoe, 1970. |
6 |
Electrical Work - Black Oak Elementary School. |
7 |
Completion of Electrical Work - Black Oak Elementary School, 1971. |
8-9 |
Class Room Remodeling Language - Calumet Township School, 1989. |
10 |
Indoor Track Resurfacing for Calumet Senior High School, 1979. |
11-12 |
Mechanical Remodeling - Calumet Senior High School, 1982. |
13 |
First Federal Savings and Loan, 1957. |
14 |
More Portable Classrooms from Froebel School to Brunswick School, 1973. |
15 |
Gary National Bank 5th and Adams Street. |
1 |
16 |
Remodeling Horace Mann Administration Building, 1957. |
17 |
Renovation Proposal- Horace Mann School, 1978. |
18 |
Fire Detection and Annunciaton - Horace Mann Renovation Project, 1986. |
19 |
Indiana School Construction Coop, 1986. |
20 |
Bus Storage, 1984. |
21 |
Black Top Paving Longfellow School, 1968. |
22 |
Sewage Disposal Longfellow School, 1968. |
23 |
Meadowland Shopping Center, Economic Analysis |
24 |
McAnary Welter, 1968. |
25 |
Addition to Noble School, 1959. |
26 |
Alterations to Security Building, 1959. |
27 |
Administration Center - Sports - Complex, 1959 |
28 |
Addition to Sunbeam Lighting co., 1960 |
29 |
Tarrytown Elementary School, 1956. |
1 |
30-31 |
Tolleston School Project, 1956. |
32 |
Remodeling Administration Vocational Tech, 1956. |
33 |
Boiler Repairs and Water Heater Replacement 34 Vocational Tech, 1988. |
35-36 |
New Additions to Existing Northwest Tech Institute, 1975. |
37 |
Floor Repairs - Vocational Tech, 1988. |
Box |
File |
Description |
2 |
1 |
Fire Protection System, 1986. |
2 |
Environmental Health Training Vocational, 1978. |
3 |
Proposal, new additional parking, Vocational Tech, 1974. |
4-5 |
New Parking LA, Bumpers and Pavement Conditioning - Vocational Tech, 1977. |
6 |
Roof Repairs and Corridor Fire Protection, Vocational Tech, 1987. |
7 |
Volkswagen Sales and Service Building, 1964. |
8 |
Proposal, Relocation of Four Ivanhoe Mobile Classrooms to Washington School Site, 1968. |
9 |
All weather to West Side High School, 1970. |
2 |
10-12 |
Wirt Area Swimming Pool Revised, 1976. |
13 |
Moving Four Portable classrooms from Wirt High School to Edison School. Griffith |
14 |
Addition and Renovation to Franklin Elementary School, 1972. |
15-16 |
Griffith Elementary School Criteria, 1972. |
17 |
Public School of Griffith, 1972. Highland |
18 |
Highland Jr. High School, 1962. |
19 |
Grace Street 7 - Eleven, 1973. Hobart |
2 |
20-21 |
Gary National Bank, 1978 |
22 |
Alterations to toilet rooms and new locker, shower - dryer Rooms, Henry Evans Elementary School, 1978. |
23-24 |
Henry Evans Elementary School Addition, 1980 (2). |
25 |
Photos and Cost Sheet, Hobart Senior High School, 1980. |
26 |
New Roofing and Roof Repairs - Hobart Township School, 1980. |
27-28 |
Industrial Addition - River Forest High School, 1977. |
29 |
Additions - Hobart Trinity Church, 1953 Lake Station (East Gary) |
30 |
Additions and Alterations - Edison School, 1974. |
Box |
File |
Description |
3 |
1 |
Garden City Foods Lowell |
2 |
Construction and Addition - Lowell High School, 1956. |
3 |
Merrillville Ace Hardware, 1980 |
4 |
Remodeling Gainer Bank, 1987 |
5 |
Garden City Food Inc., 1966 |
6 |
Addition - Alterations on Merrillville High School, 1974 |
7-8 |
Interiors Nelson Piano Company, 1974 |
9 |
Improvement - Pierce Junior High, 1975 |
10 |
Alterations - Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 1974 |
11 |
Ross Township Elementary School, 1971 |
12-13 |
Food Service - Ross Township Elementary School, 1971 |
14-15 |
Ross Township Elementary School, 1971 |
16-17 |
Ross Township Elementary School, 1971 |
18 |
Ross Township Elementary School, 1971 |
19 |
Storm Sewer - Merrillville High School, 1975 Portage |
3 |
20 |
Alteration - Crisman Elementary School, 1963 |
21 |
Crisman Elementary School, 1975 |
22 |
Driver Education and Driver Range, 1974 |
23 |
Proposal, Maintenance Facilities, 1971 |
24 |
New Outdoor Sports Complex, 1971 |
25 |
New York Life Insurance Building, 1964 |
26-27 |
Remodeling and Renovating Building #3, 1975 |
Box |
File |
Description |
4 |
1 |
Portage Middle School, 1975 |
2 |
Kitchen Equipment, Portage Middle School, 1972 |
3 |
Renovation, Crisman Elementary School, 1975 |
4 |
Swimming Pool Additions - Portage High School, 1967 |
5 |
Swimming Pool Additions - Portage High School, 1967 |
6 |
Power Technology Center, 1972 |
7 |
7-Eleven Store, 1973 St. John |
8 |
Addition and Remodeling - Kolling Elementary School, 1985 Valparaiso |
9 |
Interior Remodeling and Parking addition, Vocational Tech, n.d. |
10 |
La Porte Ave. Parking, 1975 |
11 |
Parking Lot Paving - Vocational Tech, 1988 West Creek |
12 |
West Creek Township Elementary School, 1958 Westville |
13 |
Sewer System Sewage Disposal Plant, 1956 Whiting |
4 |
15 |
Renovation, Whiting Junior - Senior High School, 1976 |
16 |
Whiting Junior - Senior High School heating system |
17-22 |
Bid Proposals |
Series: Architectural Drawings A - D (arranged alphabetically by building name)
Box |
Description |
5 |
Boy Scouts Ambridge Hut - Gary |
Apartments - Gary |
Dunes Terrace Hotel - Gary |
Bel-Oakes Estates Apartments - Merrillville |
Calumet High School - Misc. |
Saul Cohen Residence - Gary |
Chase Street Elementary School - Gary |
Douglas School - Gary |
Bosak Motor Sales - Gary |
Calumet Township Schools |
American Savings & Trust - Whiting |
Dalton Corporation - Gary |
Budd Plant - Gary |
Chuck Wagon Diner - Gary |
Buffington-Clark Schools |
5 |
Big Wheel Restaurant - Gary |
Ace Plumbing & Heating Company - Gary |
Continental Electric Company - Gary |
Burns Memorial Chapel - Merrillville |
Burns Funeral Home - Gary |
Calumet High School |
Dulles Elementary School - Gary |
Ace Hardware Store - Gary |
Calvin's Restaurant - Gary |
Dr. Chand's Building - Hammond |
Oscar Conway Building - Gary |
Bailey Residence - Ogden Dunes |
Bader Building Materials Corporation - Gary |
Billich Tavern - Gary |
Clark Street Apartments - Gary |
5 |
Bewick Dental Clinic - Portage |
Development - U.S. 30 & Merrillville Road |
Aetna School |
Bryans Footwear Store - Gary |
Burns Funeral Home - Gary |
Bollinger Residence - Crown Point |
Anthony Retail Store - Gary |
Apartment Building - Gary? |
Church of Living God - Gary |
Driver Education Range/Nike Site - Portage |
Series: Architectural Drawings E - G (arranged alphabetically by building name)
Box |
Description |
6 |
Froebel high School - Gary |
Gary National Bank - Dunes Branch |
First Federal - Gary |
East Side Primary School - Gary |
Gary Sportsman's Club - Crown Point |
Evans Elementary School - Lake Station |
First Federal Savings and Loan - Portage |
First Federal Building/Downtown - Gary |
Edmar Super Foods - Gary? |
Gary, Various Buildings |
Grissom Elementary School - Gary |
Elliot House and Lube Center - |
Gateway Apartments - Gary |
Edmar Store - Crown Point |
6 |
Four Family Apartments - Gary |
Flamingo Office Building - Gary |
First Federal Bank - Valparaiso |
Garyton Elementary School - Portage Township |
Edison High School |
Foley Building - Gary |
Esping Residence |
First Federal Savings & Loan - Merrillville |
Englewood Electric Company - Gary |
First Federal - Portage |
First Federal Savings & Loan - West Gary |
Gary National Bank - Lake Station |
First Federal - Valparaiso |
Grissom Elementary School - Gary |
E.D.L. Laboratory - Gary |
6 |
First Federal Building - Gary |
Gary National Bank - Gary |
Greenwald Surgical Company - East Gary |
Fletcher Filling Station - Gary |
Edison High School - Lake Station |
7 |
Gary Sportsman's Club - Crown Point |
Ehlers Building - Gary |
First Federal - Dyer |
Gary National Bank |
Greenwald Surgical Company - Gary |
First Federal - Portage |
First National Bank - Valparaiso |
Forrest Court - Gary |
Grady Company - Gary |
Gary Masonic Lodge |
Misc. Gary Building |
Gary Housing Authority |
Greenwald Surgical Company - Lake Station |
Eichhorn's Service Building - Gary |
Series: Architectural Drawings H - K (arranged alphabetically by building name)
Box |
Description |
8 |
Indiana Vocational Technical College (IV Tech) |
(Numerous Drawings and Blueprints) |
Housing Authority Evansville, Indiana |
Kentucky Roast Beef Restaurant |
Konrady Distributors Warehouse - Gary |
Kunas Residence - Ogden Dunes |
Hope Lutheran Church - Portage |
Kaczorowski Service Station - Gary |
Kucan's Rug Laundry - Gary |
Hobart Township Schools - Lake Station |
Hamilton Elementary School - East Gary |
Intersection: Dunes Hwy. & 6th Avenue - Gary |
Horace Mann School (1978) - Gary |
Ideal Building - Gary |
8 |
Jackson Township Schools - Porter County |
Hong-Yia Restaurant - Gary |
Jonas Salk Elementary School - Ross Township |
Highway Hotel - Hobart |
Hunter Construction Building |
Howard Johnson Hotel - Hammond |
Series: Architectural Drawings L - N (arranged alphabetically by building name)
Box |
Description |
9 |
Manley Brothers Sand Company - Chesterton |
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company - Gary |
Merrillville High School |
Motor Generator Shelter (5th & Broadway) - Gary |
Lake County State Bank - Gary |
Miner (VW) Motors Building - Gary |
Nelson Apartments - Gary |
Nel-Van Realty - Chicago |
New York Life Insurance Company - Gary |
Miller Station - Gary |
Lowell American Legion Post - Lowell |
Mount Pleasant Elementary and High School-Yorktown, Indiana |
Miner Motors (VW) - Hobart |
Lilly Day Care Center - Hobart |
9 |
Miner Motors (VW) - Gary |
Macro Etch Plant - Gary |
Miller Auto Sales - Gary |
Moose Lodge - Gary |
Lew Wallace Stadium |
NIPSCO - Gary Headquarters |
Lake County Mental Health Clinic |
Lukens & Striegle Drug Store - Gary |
Martin Oil Company - Gary |
Nobel Elementary School - Gary |
NIPSCO - Gary Operations Headquarters |
Mamma's & Zeheralis Building - Gary |
Nelson Piano Store - South Lake Mall - Merrillville |
Lake Mortgage Company - Gary |
National Tea Company - Gary |
9 |
Mid-America Homes |
Merrillville Community Schools |
T.J. Meister Building - Gary |
Lew Wallace High School |
Merrillville High School |
McArnary House - Gary |
Myers Residence |
Lake Ridge Schools |
Series: Architectural Drawings O - Q (arranged alphabetically by building name)
Box |
Description |
10 |
Portage Middle School |
O'Malley Building |
Olesker Store - Gary |
Portage National Bank |
Okone Retail Store - Gary |
Portage High School |
Miscellaneous Drawings |
Pierce Jr. High School - Merrillville |
Portage Power Technology Center |
Pomianowski Service Station - Gary |
Portage Township Schools - Porter County |
Pearson Building - Gary |
Office Building - Gary |
City of Portage Maintenance Building |
10 |
Phelps Residence - Crown Point |
Office Building - Merrillville |
Portage Driver Education Range / Nike Site |
Series: Architectural Drawings R - V (arranged alphabetically by building name)
Box |
Description |
11 |
Tropicana Club - Gary |
Storefront Remodeling - Gary |
Schindler Building - Gary |
U.S. Post Office - Gary |
U.S. Naval Air Station - Grosse Isle, Michigan |
Van Buren Baptist Church - Gary |
Tri-City Shopping Plaza - Gary |
Tony Vaccaro Building - Gary |
Savage Building - Gary |
Riley School - Gary |
Seiwitz Building - Gary |
Dr. Spellman Ofice - Gary |
MISC: Chester Stemp, Engineer |
Stults Residence - Gary |
11 |
Sederberg Residence - Porter County |
Ross Township High School (Merrillville) |
Store Building (1948) - Gary |
Schleicher Office - Gary |
Selagy Night Club - Gary |
Reed Service Station - Gary |
Stengle Dental Lab - Gary |
Summerfield GMC - Gary |
Slick's Laundry Building - Gary |
Sheraton Inn - Gary |
School City of Gary Warehouse |
Thomas Auto Repair Shop - Portage |
Village restaurant (proposed) |
Tolleston School Project |
12 |
Ross Township high School (Merrillville) |
Union Street School - Gary |
Villa Olivia - Gary? |
Republic Frame & Axel |
21st & Mississippi School - Gary |
Sportsman's Club - Crown Point |
Riddle Office Building - Gary |
Sunbeam Lighting Company - Gary |
Timberlake Farms - Porter County |
U.S. Post Office - Gary |
Misc. Proposals |
San Pierre Bank - San Pierre, Indiana |
Pruzin Mortuary - Gary |
Series: Architectural Drawings W - Z (arranged alphabetically by building name)
Box |
Description |
13 |
Wirt Area Swimming Pool - Gary |
Westville Sewage Treatment System |
Wheeler Restaurant - Valparaiso |
Wirt High School |
Webb Physical Fitness Center - Gary |
Welsh Building - Lake County |
Washington Warehouse - Gary |
WWCA Radio Station - Gary |
White Mortgage Company - Portage |
Westchester Township High School - Porter County |
Webster School |
Series: Oversize Drawings
Drawer |
Description |
1-2 |
West Side High School - Gary |
Lew Wallace High School - Gary |
Hobart High School - Hobart |
Ross Township High School (Merrillville) |
Portage Middle School - Portage |
Polk Elementary School - Lake Station |
Gary National Bank - Merrillville |
Hobart Jr. High |
Evans Elementary - Hobart |
Boone Grove Jr. & Sr. High School |
River Forest Jr. & Sr. High School-Hobart |
Calumet High School |
Lake Ridge Schools |
Indiana Vocational Technical College - Gary |
1-2 |
Lake Ridge Schools Bus Shelter |
Gainer Bank - (Woodmar) Hammond |
Lincoln/Bailly Jr. High School - Gary |
Edison School - East Gary |
Northeast High School - Gary |
Ribordy Drugs warehouse - Porter County |
Merrillville High School |
Central Elementary School - Portage |
Proposed Shopping Center - Merrillville |
Lake County Association for the Retarded - Gary |
Miller's Toggery-Merrillville |
3-4 |
River Forest Jr. & Sr. High School-Hobart |
Kolling Elementary School-St. John |
Burns Funeral Home-Merrillville |
Wagon Wheel Restaurant-Merrillville |
Merrillville High School |
U.S. Steel - Gary |
Indiana Vocational Technical College |
Lake County Juvenile Center - Crown Point |
Lake County Mental Health Center |
Parks Administration & Sports Complex - Gary |
Lew Wallace High School |
West Side High School |
Edison School - Gary |
Gary National Bank - Merrillville |
3-4 |
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company - Gary |
Gainer Bank |
Eiwitz Residence - Gary |
Lew Wallace School - Audio Visual - Gary |
Gary Post Office Foundation Plan |
Portage Township Schools |
E.D.L. Company Addition - Gary |
Indiana Street School - Gary |
5-6 |
McCool Methodist Church-Portage |
Indiana Vocational Technical College - Various |
Drawings |
Highland Elementary School |
Lew Wallace High School |
Aetna School - Gary |
Merrillville High School |
Sports Complex Building - Gary |
Devault School - Calumet Township |
Evans Elementary School - Lake Station |
Ross Township High School |
Calumet High School |
Gainer Bank |
Elementary School - Elkhart County, Indiana |
5-6 |
Misc. School Drawings |
Marine Service Corporation |
Carver School - Gary |
Gary National Bank |
Beckman-Bailey Jr. High School - Gary |
7 |
Kinney Shoe Store - Southlake Mall - Merrillville |
Calumet Securities-Gary |
Old Post Office Drawings |
Schwartz, Preston, Franko Building-Merrillville |
Portage Middle School |
Parks Administration Building-Gary |
Elementary School-Long Beach-Michigan City |
Polk Elementary School |
Gary Post Office |
West Side High School |
Lake Ridge Schools |
Lew Wallace High School |
Truck Stop Motel - Gary |
Service Station - Gary |
7 |
Gainer Bank |
Clark-Welter Motor Sales - Gary |
McNaraay-Welter Building - Gary |
South Merrillville Elementary School Site Study Plan |
Burns Memorial Chapel - Crown Point |
Maple Woods Nursing Home |
Portage Township Schools |
Ribordy Drugs Warehouse - Porter County |
Boone Grove High School |
Merrillville High School |
Proposed Welsh Oil Station |
Misc. Marquette Mall - Michigan City |
Private Sewer Line - Gary |
Draper Residence - Ogden Dunes? |
8-9 |
Williams Residence-Gary |
Edison School |
Pearson's-6th and Broadway-Gary |
Calumet High School |
Milligan Residence-Odgen Dunes |
Environ Executive Center - Merrillville |
Industrial Building - ANCO Building Corp. - Gary |
Calumet High School - Swimming Pool Addition- Gary |
Henry S. Evans School-Proposed Addition-Lake Station |
Black Oak Elem. School-Alteration & Addition- Gary |
County Line Oil Company-Service Building- Gary |
First Federal Savings and Loan of Gary- Dyer |
Parks Administration & Sports Complex- Gary |
Merrillville H.S.- Addition- Merrillville |
8-9 |
7-11 Shopping Strip- Portage |
Hobart Twsp. Jr. H.S.(River Forest)-Hobart Twsp. |
Prince of Peace Church- site plan- Merrillville |
Prince of Peace Church- first unit plan-Merrillville |
Merrillville High School- Merrillville |
U.S. Post Office- Gary |
Gas Island-Plan and Details (U.S. Postal Service and Dept. of Army)- Gary |
Gary Post Office- RCDP preliminaries- Gary |
Gary Post Office- Area B- Gary |
Gas Island- Change order-Gary |
Gary Post Office- Area A- Gary |
7-11 Store Building- Dallas, TX |
Service Station addition- 5th& Marshall, Gary |
Post Office- Plot Plan- Gary |
8-9 |
Post Office- HVAC Piping- Gary |
Post Office- Vehicle Maintenance Facility, Gary |
Post Office- Sprinkler System- Gary |
Post Office- Maintenance Facility & Garage, Gary |
Post Office- Gary |
Post Office- Gary |
Post Office- Gary |
7-11 Building- Portage |
Wiseway- Merrillville |
West Side High School- Gary |
10 |
West Side High School-Gary |
Merrillville High School |